Relaxshax's Blog

BRAND NEW solar cooking video (gone Zombie flick!?)
June 21, 2010, 9:43 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Er….not sure where I was going with this video, but I had a blast makin’ it. Its a quick tutorial on building a backyard, junk-parts, solar over/cooker- as part of “The Suburban Redneck” series of youtube videos (my no-budget “Tiny Yellow House” offshoot). Stick around until about 1:40 or so into the clip….and watch A.D.D. and Caffeine take over!

Also- a few of the bookstores carrying my micro-housing/cabin design book have now sold out of the book! So thanks to those that went out and grabbed a copie! If you know anyone, or any store who’d be interested in carrying the book, please contact me. Thanks!

Also, as promised another solar (more serious!) cooking video or two is on the way- testing out some of the factory built (incredible!) cookers I got from
