Relaxshax's Blog

Wattle n’ Daub- Houses Made of Poop! (really)
June 13, 2010, 10:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’ve always been intrigued by this age-old form of building, especially since, material-wise, it would be so affordable to construct. Lo’ and behold, there are SEVERAL videos on this methodology, on Here’s one I particularly enjoyed…..

Years back, upon first reading Dan Price’s “Radical Simplicity” (Great Book!) I was inspired by one hut Dan built, which was somewhat based off the stick-weaving origins of the Wn’D approach. I always figured that such a structure, covered with some chicken wire, rebar-perhaps, and ferrocement (or solution dipped canvas, etc), would make for a cool, experimental free-form shelter. SOMEDAY, I just may try it out…

ALSO- (and the book “Ferrocement House Construction” by Garrett Connelly was sent to me recently for review (upcoming episode of “Tiny Yellow House”) check out for some other likeminded ideas. The book is great too! -And the author of such a progressively themed book is from MA, believe it or not (where I’m based)- a state so restrictive in codes that you’ll soon need applications, in triplicate, with a paid fee, to be allowed to pass wind. Just you wait…
