Relaxshax's Blog

A-frame Treehouse/Tiny House/Shed Office Part 2
November 30, 2012, 3:10 pm
Filed under: a-frame, shedworking/shed office, tiny house, tree fort, tree house

This is NOT what we’ll be building in Wilmington, NC- April 26th-28th at our HANDS-ON Tiny House Building Workshop, but I WOULD like to build another one of these up on my Vermont Land, perhaps as a future tree house building workshop, where, in groups, we build a guest hut, OR TWO….. we’ll see….

Anyway, here’s another shot of something I’ve been working on….problem is, here in New England, when it gets cold as all “get out”, outdoor work tends to slow to a crawl, or a complete stop- paints and caulks don’t cure, fingers freeze, and windburn (not fun) is always inevitable.
    Again, this is a simple A-frame, but one that was intended as a small art office, and one that could easily be built in a tree, as a tree house, even a hut for guests, as its so light in weight. As for the rest of it, I can’t really show you for awhile, as its not quite done- what you see is only a third of the whole project.

Eventually, alongside the work of FIFTY or so other builders, and designers, this one will be showcased in yet another book I’ve been working on. if you’d like to submit your work.

And, with the Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Festivus season around the corner…..check out my “Humble Homes, Simple Shacks” book- MADE and PRINTED IN THE USA– I made sure of it when I signed the book deal- and the book cover proudly displays that fact. I’ll soon be selling signed copies, with a bonus gift to each who order one- more on that soon….

-Derek “Deek” Diedricksen

One WACKY playhouse/tiny house? Shed Office potential?
November 29, 2012, 9:43 am
Filed under: fort, playhouse, shedworking/shed office, tiny house
I can’t find a building-credit on this one- anyone? Its just SO cool!

This one’s meant as a kids clubhouse/playhouse/fort, but swap it out with a better/”more adult” door and what a cool, colorful, and funky tiny house or backyard shed office this would be! It even has an outdoor bar, a built in chair, deck, and a climbing wall!

THESE are some of the wild builds, photos, and designs I’m looking for in the follow-up book (to “Humble Homes, Simple Shacks”) that I’m working on- if you’ve built a tree house, fort, bizarre tiny house, playhouse, or shed conversion, send it over to and we might showcase you on the blog AND perhaps in this book.

PS- I also run another fledgling blog called– if you like this type stuff, its a fun little, eye-candy, blog. 

-Derek “Deek” Diedricksen

The Orange Owl- A tiny micro guest house/shed/office on wheels
 “The Orange Owl”– also the name of a side-project music act I’ve been messin’ with…
(“From the $0.99 Notebook of Deek D”)- CLICK TO ENLARGE THE SKETCH

Take a tumbleweed, but simpler, and shrink it with a ray gun (yet to be invented, sigh…). Here’s a sketch I was messing around with the other day towards a SIMPLE, AFFORDABLE, and QUICK-TO-BUILD design/project for next month’s hands-on “” tiny-house-building workshop (Nov 2-4) in Stoughton, MA. Twp spots left in our intimate group of twenty (kidcedar at gmail dot com). All ages, all skill levels, ALL FUN!
     I have already purchased the trailer so that we as a group can work on a project such as this, but I’m still hashing out WHAT I want it to look like. Also, for the sake of education, it has to incorporate some simple framing, a variety of tool use, a chance to work in some creative and recycled materials, rafter and roof work (two kinds perhaps), spacial contemplation as a group (the layout inside), and more- all while being something we can complete most of in three days. Oh yeah, ALL OF THIS, but while also being lightweight….

The beauty of these group projects- ANYTHING is subject to change, and nothing is set in stone. If workshop attendees have some great ideas to offer up, as they usually do, we just might add ’em into the mix…. AND, we’ll probably film a little of this for the show “Tiny Yellow House” on Make Magazine….

If you haven’t seen the show, here’s a TREEHOUSE episode we did a ways back- one I designed and built….

-Derek “Deek” Diedricksen